Hero Stats & Skill

December 25, 2021

ⓒReta Wars

NFT heroes have stats and skills that match their rarity, and these figures have various complementarities. Heroes has every stats and skill, but can’t be the best in every way. So, You have to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of the heroes you hire, and place them where they can do their best.

Stats is a basic ability for a Hero. Every Hero has five stats. All Stats has a set maximum and minimum value. The determining factor is Hero’s Rarity. and these stats have a complementary relationship with skill or raise combat ability.

[VIT] Vitality – It is linked to the hero’s HP. HP is related to survival rate in battle.
[STR] Strength – Strength has to do with physical attack in combat. It also affects all outcomes of mining, logging, and farming. It has a particularly significant impact on mining and logging.
[AGI] Agility – Agility is related Critical Strike in combat. On the other hand, it also affects the results of mining and logging.
[INT] Intelligence – Intelligence has to do with magical attacks in combat. It also affects all outcomes of mining, logging, and farming. In particular, it has a great influence on farming.
[LUK] Lucky – luck is luck. people become happy, its real. You will be happy too.
  • Vitality – It is linked to the hero’s HP. HP is related to survival rate in battle.
  • Strength – Strength has to do with physical attack in combat. It also affects all outcomes of mining, logging, and farming. It has a particularly significant impact on mining and logging.
  • Agility – Agility is related Critical Strike in combat. On the other hand, it also affects the results of mining and logging.

  • Intelligence – Intelligence has to do with magical attacks in combat. It also affects all outcomes of mining, logging, and farming. In particular, it has a great influence on farming.
  • Lucky – luck is luck. people become happy, its real.

Skill is an important criterion that determines a Hero’s actual ability. All Heroes have 5 skills, and there are maximum and minimum values ​​according to their Rarity. battle and production results are calculated by reflecting the effect of stats on a Hero’s skill level.

[COM] Combat – When a hero is placed in the barracks, the hero participating in Reta war is affected by combat. It has a decisive effect on fighting enemies.
[MIN] Mining – Ore production capacity when a hero is deployed in a mine. It is affected by all statuses, but the effect of strength is particularly important.
[LOG] Logging – Wood production capacity when the hero is placed in the Lumber mill. It is affected by all Status.
[FAR] Farming – Food production capacity when the hero is placed on the farm. It is affected by Strength and Intelligence, but the effect of Intelligence is particularly important.
[CRA] Crafting – When crafting weapons or skins, having this ability is definitely helpful.
  • Combat – When a hero is placed in the barracks, the hero participating in Reta war is affected by combat. It has a decisive effect on fighting enemies.
  • Mining – Ore production capacity when a hero is deployed in a mine. It is affected by all statuses, but the effect of strength is particularly important.
  • Logging – Wood production capacity when the hero is placed in the Lumber mill. It is affected by all Status.
  • Farming – Food production capacity when the hero is placed on the farm. It is affected by Strength and Intelligence, but the effect of Intelligence is particularly important.
  • Crafting – When crafting weapons or skins, having this ability is definitely helpful.

ⓒReta Wars

In particular, skills are linked to the Hero’s appearance. If a Hero has the appearance of a woodcutter, it means that the Hero’s logging skills are excellent. (Gender is determined randomly.)

The appearances of heroes that can be acquired during the pre-sale period are as follows.

  • male warrior
  • female woodcutter
  • male miner
  • female farmer

We plan to continue adding other appearances in the future.


ⓒReta Wars