♬BGM: The adventure


First pupil of Krane,
a magic engineer

Hoober became Krane’s first pupil and grew up to become
one of the best magic engineers himself, not suspecting anything
could ruin his guaranteed future as a magic engineer.

Hoober was born to a blacksmith family, the Smiths, as a normal second child.
Hoober would have remained as a normal town blacksmith,
if he had not met the best magic engineer, ‘Krane’.
That changed his whole life.​

Hoober, having never imagined a life outside of equipment developing,
was wasting his life on alcohol.
Then ‘Glados’, a miner captain, came along to save his life.​

The judge was about to sentence Hoober to death penalty,
Krane came up and appealed for the last time.
This plea was accepted, and thus Hoober was exiled from the guild,
only with his life.​

One day, a trial was called upon Hoober for siphoning
magic equipments off to enemies, which was a false accusation.
Hoober pleaded not guilty, but all the judges were swayed by
other pupils’ scheme, and there was no one who were willing to listen to Hoober.​

Hoober, as a competent and hard-working pupil,
earned Krane’s trust, but envy and jealousy of other pupils followed.​

Hoober’s skill shined even in mines,
and the equipment he developed has helped increasing the
mine’s production output tremendously.​

Hoober first turned that offer down,
but Glados was very persistent, and Hoober finally gave up to Glados,
and started the second chapter of his life as a miner.​

Glados thought highly of Hoober’s understanding of
magic skill and minerals and offered him to become a miner.​

Now Hoober is an undeniably proud miner, looking for better veins in mines.​

Krane offered Hoober to come back to the guild and work together again,
but Hoober turned this down, because he wanted to stay loyal to Glados,
rather than the guild who exiled him.​

Eventually the truth came to light that he was falsely accused,
and Hoober’s name was cleared.
Krane expelled all those pupils who were responsible.​

Hoober became a household name in all the continent
for his skills. In turn, his exile from the blacksmith guild also
drew attention again.​

♬BGM: The adventure

Hoober became Krane’s first pupil and
grew up to become one of the best magic
engineers himself, not suspecting anything could ruin
his guaranteed future as a magic engineer.​

Hoober was born to a blacksmith family,
the Smiths, as a normal second child.

Hoober would have remained as
a normal town blacksmith,
if he had not met the best magic engineer, ‘Krane’.
That changed his whole life.​


First pupil of Krane,
a magic engineer

The judge was about to sentence Hoober to death penalty,
Krane came up and appealed for the last time.
This plea was accepted,
and thus Hoober was exiled from the guild,
only with his life.​

One day, a trial was called upon Hoober for
siphoning magic equipments off to enemies,
which was a false accusation.

Hoober pleaded not guilty,
but all the judges were swayed by other pupils’ scheme,
and there was no one who were willing to listen to Hoober.​

Hoober, as a competent and hard-working pupil,
earned Krane’s trust, but envy and jealousy of
other pupils followed.​

Hoober first turned that offer down,
but Glados was very persistent,
and Hoober finally gave up to Glados,
and started the second chapter of his life as a miner.​ ​

Hoober’s skill shined even in mines,
and the equipment he developed has helped increasing
the mine’s production output tremendously.​

Glados thought highly of Hoober’s understanding
of magic skill and minerals and offered him to
become a miner.​

Hoober, having never imagined a life outside of
equipment developing, was wasting his life on alcohol.
Then ‘Glados’, a miner captain, came along to save his life.​

Hoober became a household name in
all the continent for his skills.
In turn, his exile from the blacksmith guild
also drew attention again.​

Eventually the truth came to light that
he was falsely accused, and Hoober’s name was cleared.
Krane expelled all those pupils who were responsible.​

Krane offered Hoober to come back to the guild and
work together again, but Hoober turned this down,
because he wanted to stay loyal to Glados,
rather than the guild who exiled him.​

Now Hoober is an undeniably proud miner,
looking for better veins in mines.​

“I am not guilty
of anything!”

He was once a promising magic engineer, but he lost everything under a false accusation. But thanks to the help of Glados, who believed in him at the last minute, he is now one of the best miners on the continent.

  • Name: Hoober Smith
  • From: Mbappe mt.

  • Age: 27

  • Class: Miner

They are usually miners who listen to the sound of the earth and talk to minerals. Their fighting prowess will be proven by their muscles through years of miner experience.
The mines of the Mbappe Mountains are a treasure trove of natural resources. The fine ore here is widely used from construction to war resources.

“I am not guilty
of anything!”

He was once a promising magic engineer, but he lost everything under a false accusation. But thanks to the help of Glados, who believed in him at the last minute, he is now one of the best miners on the continent.

  • Name: Hoober Smith

  • From: Mbappe mt.
  • Age: 27

  • Class: Miner

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Behind the scenes of Heroes

Behind the scenes
of Heroes

Meet the hidden stories of heroes who roam the battlefield.


Champion of the Baron Arena


Mbappe Mountain Bandit


Mbappe Mountains Miners


Dallas farm, Illya Plain


Mbappe Mountains Miners


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Loki Plain