♬BGM: Fault in our stars

Mr. Lowell was sad to see his children so tired from harvesting barley,
so he told the mother and Angelica to take younger children home early.
That became the last of Mr. Lowell that Angelica could remember.​

One day, an unexpected crisis hit that loving family.
A rumor circulated, saying a pack of giant wolves were sighted.
Lowell family was too busy to hear that rumor, being harvest season and all.

Angelica was the first born of the eight siblings of the Lowell farmer family.
Her parents started with nothing in a barren soil,
but their love and effort made this land into a loving farm.​

The wolf slayer


She calmed herself down and buried herself into the farm business.
Her being buried into the work had earned enough for the family to feed
for a year, and Angelica bought a big scythe with the excess cash.​

Angelica left a note to younger siblings saying that she will take
their mother back, and headed toward wolf’s den, by herself.

Angelica, unknowingly having become the breadwinner of the family,
did not even have time to mourn or to feel anger toward the villagers.
She had the family to feed and a farm to run.​

While Angelica was being ignored by villagers,
the despondent mother left home by herself to draw the wolves out,
but that was the last time they heard anything about the mother.​

Wolves hit the farm, and Angelica asked the town to help her draw out the wolves,​
but the fear-ridden villagers did not even open doors to desperate Angelica.

She still uses that huge scythe she used to kill wolves for farming.
When she swings that scythe, it sounds like a howling of a wolf,
and a rumor has it that the scythe drank too much of wolves’ blood.

She purged the pack of wolves and returned to see herself become the
hero and the terror itself to the villagers.
But she could not care less what the others thought and spends her days
as a farmer with the remaining siblings at the farm.

After an awful, desperate fight, she saw the very last wolf fall to the ground,
and then bursted into tears. All the suppressed emotion erupted,
and she cried for a long while, in the middle of wolf carcasses, covered in blood.​

When she got to the cave where the wolves took nest,
she was soon surrounded by the wolves who smelled her scent,
but she swung the huge scythe and exterminated the whole pack of giant, dreadful wolves.

♬BGM: Fault in our stars

Lowell family was too busy to hear that rumor,
being harvest season and all.

One day, an unexpected crisis
hit that loving family.
A rumor circulated, saying a pack of
giant wolves were sighted.

Angelica was the first born of the
eight siblings of the Lowell farmer family.
Her parents started with nothing in
a barren soil, but their love and effort
made this land into a loving farm.​


The wolf slayer

While Angelica was being ignored by villagers,
the despondent mother left home by herself to
draw the wolves out, but that was the last time
they heard anything about the mother.​

Wolves hit the farm,
and Angelica asked the town to help her draw
out the wolves,​ but the fear-ridden villagers
did not even open doors to desperate Angelica.

Mr. Lowell was sad to see his children so tired from
harvesting barley, so he told the mother and
Angelica to take younger children home early.
That became the last of Mr. Lowell
that Angelica could remember.​

Angelica left a note to younger siblings saying
that she will take their mother back,
and headed toward wolf’s den, by herself.

She calmed herself down and buried herself
into the farm business. Her being buried into the work
had earned enough for the family to feed for a year,
and Angelica bought a big scythe with the excess cash.​

Angelica, unknowingly having become the breadwinner
of the family, did not even have time to mourn or
to feel anger toward the villagers.
She had the family to feed and a farm to run.​

When she got to the cave where the wolves took nest,
she was soon surrounded by the wolves who
smelled her scent, but she swung the huge-
scythe and exterminated the whole pack of giant,
dreadful wolves.

After an awful, desperate fight,
she saw the very last wolf fall to the ground,
and then bursted into tears.

All the suppressed emotion erupted,
and she cried for a long while,
in the middle of wolf carcasses, covered in blood.​

She purged the pack of wolves and returned to
see herself become the hero and
the terror itself to the villagers.

But she could not care less what the
others thought and spends her days
as a farmer with the remaining siblings at the farm.

She still uses that huge scythe she used to
kill wolves for farming. When she swings that scythe,
it sounds like a howling of a wolf,
and a rumor has it that the scythe drank
too much of wolves’ blood.

“Wait. One day the time
of revenge will come.​”

She was once an ordinary farmer, but revenge have completely changed her today. Behind the gigantic scythe and the nickname of the wolf slayer hides an unforgettable sadness and longing.

  • Name: Angelica Lowell
  • From: Iria Plain
  • Age: 17

  • Class: Farmer
They are the people who grow crops on peaceful and vast plains. But don’t forget. The agricultural machinery they handle can also become a weapon at any time.
Not only life and work but even war. In all circumstances, food has always been a priority. The food produced on the farm will be an excellent food source for the heroes weary of labor and war.

“Wait. One day the time
of revenge will come.​”

She was once an ordinary farmer, but revenge have completely changed her today. Behind the gigantic scythe and the nickname of the wolf slayer hides an unforgettable sadness and longing.

  • Name: Angelica Lowell
  • From: Iria Plain
  • Age: 17

  • Class: Farmer

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