
Check your hero!

New Promotion Comming soon!

Junior NFT

Junior NFT is an experienced and growing NFT of Reta Wars. Junior NFT have 10% power, but they can gain experience and grow in gameplay. You can succeed in the promotion of Junior and evolve Junior into the NFT hero.

NFT Hero

The NFT hero is the most important and fundamental NFT in Reta Wars. They can produce resources more efficiently and participate in wars with powerful forces. Hire powerful heroes and be rewarded by Reta Wars!

Check your hero!

NFT Hero Information You Can Check

Get a strong reward on the Ranking Leaderboard!

Equal opportunities are offered to everyone!

If you prove your strategy in fast mode, you will be recorded as the winner of the leaderboard. This is a figure for contributing to Reta War in Fast mode. The higher you reach on the leaderboard, the higher the reward will be.

Everyone is given equal opportunities and plays under the same conditions. In other words, this means that you can always be the main character of fast mode and get a lot of rewards. There’s a new opportunity at Reta Wars and the best you can get is up to your choice.

Equal opportunities are offered to everyone!

If you prove your strategy in fast mode, you will be recorded as the winner of the leaderboard. This is a figure for contributing to Reta War in Fast mode. The higher you reach on the leaderboard, the higher the reward will be.

Everyone is given equal opportunities and plays under the same conditions. In other words, this means that you can always be the main character of fast mode and get a lot of rewards. There’s a new opportunity at Reta Wars and the best you can get is up to your choice.

Equal opportunities are offered to everyone!

If you prove your strategy in fast mode, you will be recorded as the winner of the leaderboard. This is a figure for contributing to Reta War in Fast mode. The higher you reach on the leaderboard, the higher the reward will be.

Everyone is given equal opportunities and plays under the same conditions. In other words, this means that you can always be the main character of fast mode and get a lot of rewards. There’s a new opportunity at Reta Wars and the best you can get is up to your choice.

Fan art contest

Show off your creative abilities by creating digital artwork (fan art, meme, costume play, etc.) related to Reta Wars! It’s an opportunity to show off your artistic talent and get amazing rewards. Join the contest and unleash your gift to the world with your love for Reta Wars.

Timeline: December 19, 2022 12:00 UTC to January 13, 2023 12:00 UTC (announced: January 17, 2023)
Category: Fan Art, Meme, Costume play


Winner Reward
Reta Award 1 Person 10 tickets for NFT heroes
Gaia Award 1 Person 3 tickets for NFT heroes
Nate Award 1 Person 3 tickets for NFT heroes
Gold Rose Award 2 people 2 tickets for NFT heroes
Cute Minion Award 5 people 1 NFT Hero Ticket

Evaluation Criteria
① Community reaction
② Number of responses to works in Discord Channel
*This aggregates only RETA emoticon responses.
③ Internal assessment within the Reta Wars team

How do I participate in the contest?

Step 1
Required exp 4500 Required resource 0 Common Soul
Promotion scroll 10 Promotion probability 1%
Power revision 10% Recovery cost 100

① Feel free to produce images related to Reta Wars.

② Follow the official Reta Wars Twitter and official Japanese Twitter and upload your fanart with the hashtag (#retawars, #gamefi) to your Twitter account.

③ Finally, please send your work, your Twitter, and your meta-mask address to the event tab of the Reta Wars official discode channel.

① Feel free to produce images related to Reta Wars.

② Follow the official Reta Wars Twitter and official Japanese Twitter and upload your fanart with the hashtag (#retawars, #gamefi) to your Twitter account.

③ Finally, please send your work, your Twitter address to the event tab of the Reta Wars official discode channel.

You have something to be careful about when participating in the contest.

① The commander must follow one of the Reta Wars official Twitter accounts (@Retawars, @RetawarsJP) to qualify for the event.
② When you receive the award, we will contact you through Discord. You should stay in the Discord channel to check the results of the contest. At this time, please enter your meta-mask address correctly.
③ The image of the commander who participated in this contest can be used for Reta Wars advertising and marketing.
④ All images sent after the published period will not participate in the contest.
⑤ If the commander’s image includes elements related to hate, politics, religion, violence, etc., he may be excluded from the ranking.
⑥ All works drawn by AI will be excluded from this contest award.
⑦ If you participate in the event in an inappropriate manner, such as theft, the cancellation of the award and compensation collection may proceed.

We look forward to a variety of works made with the creative talents of the commanders. This will be the best opportunity to promote your talent.