We have no plans to make it, and the faction channel we have released on Discord is open to all. In Reta Wars, voting communication is an action that affects actual revenue. And we know that private faction communities are important in strengthening their profitable interests. we think that more of those external communities should be created.

If you’re concerned about being exposed to the risk of ‘out-of-game’ spies from the public Faction channel chat, you need to explore the Faction community to discuss ‘profitable strategies’ with you.

Yes, someone will find a chance at this very point. This is because a strong faction community will be a ‘profitable power’ in itself. And we think this is the real starting point for DAO. It must be outside our control, and it must be driven by the community.

This is one of our policies to ensure the interests and autonomy of the community. Indeed, we have no plans to control individualized faction communities, and on the contrary, we will support them to grow further.